Nature Journal II

Here are a baker’s-dozen selected favourites from my second nature journal, (2013-14), arranged in order of the seasons. These small ink-and-watercolour studies take only an hour or two. I use my small portable Winsor-Newton watercolour box with its single brush, and fine-tip ink pens. Keeping my eyes open, on the way to work, around the neighbourhood, anywhere in the city or out of town,  there are always many things to learn, even really simple things, that are too easily overlooked. For example, did you know that the real name for a Pussy Willow is ‘Goat Willow’ (Salix caprea), and the soft furry ‘paws’ are actually the male flowers? Maybe you did! But I didn’t until I stopped to look and  got inspired to find out.

Click on any image to launch full size slideshow. When finished, close slideshow by clicking on the x in the upper R corner. All images ©Kathryn Chorney.